Friday, December 30, 2011

An abrupt transition called leap

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap
why should you sow,why should you reap?
you sow,let someone else reap
let someone sow,may be u can reap
don't expect anything so , u don't weep
stop being natural,don't be so cheap
use only your brains n think very deep
drain our your heart, let everything seep
nothing is worthwhile,life is just a holy crap in a heap
@#%$-  BEEP - %@$% - BEEP -BEEP - BEEP.

As you sow, so shall you reap.
We should sow if we want to reap
if we want someone else to reap it.
Being natural is never cheap,
follow the heart or you will weep.
Use the brains as a tool,
otherwise you shall be a fool.
Drain the hopelessness from within,
usher the hope in.
Everything is worthwhile except regret,
life will be what SHE decides and how you abide.

gone gone go on, your own way ,your own life!

start- finish
begin - end
on - off
enter - exit
arrival - departure
break or pause
done - undone
ultimate - mundane

open - close
with in - without
before - after
while - meanwhile 
alway and ever
i missed you,i still do
will miss you
loved you
loving you
love you
i honestly do.
bye bye bye bye bye

uma thermal

don't touch me, you bastard
never touch me again
you cheap, you creep
don't give me those looks
never look at me again.
you loser, you jerk
don't touch my hair
never try that again
u make me feel dirty
you filth, you shame
don't hug me again
you make me uncomfortable
i don't trust you at all
go away before i spit on you
go away very far
you debaucher, you pervert
just leave me alone
let me go my way
you loser!

is it?

if this is the wrong person
standing infront of u
knocking the door of your heart....
tell him to go away!
if waiting for someone else,you are
i wish you all the best.
may you get what you desire
now and ever
be happy ,and  be blessed,
my best wishes are with you forever.
nobody to be blamed
no one should be ashamed
he didnt make any efforts
nature brought him to you
you dont have to oblige
you have your time
you have your life
you love your time
you love your life
dont commit
dont be diplomatic
be aloof if you can
but, only if he is the wrong man
remember,only if he is the wrong man.
nature cant make mistakes
it cant be fake,
feel !
feel, coz - you said
"thinking is such a waste of time"
so , dont think,
just feel,feel it.

Thursday, December 29, 2011



HI, wretches, bitches, prostitutes, sluts and whores
brothel keepers ,pimps,brokers, quacks,pirates, n all
here am
one among you all
i belong here
destiny brought you here
i came here by myself, for my self
following my heart
You all were helpless
i wasn't
my idleness got me here
regret or not
reject or accept
here am
one among you all
now, we are one
my strength became my weakness
my dreams turned into nightmares
i can’t call it an accident
i just followed my heart

For me!

Do what pleases YOU.
Do not think of anyone.
Let nothing hold you back.
You dont like it? Dont do it.